pink Diamonds: Special Specs
pink diamonds are a timeless appeal for everyone looking for a rare diamond collection for a ring, be it an engagement ring or something for casual wear.
pink diamonds are more special than you think. Following are some of the special specs you need to know about blue diamonds.
How Are pink Diamonds Made?
Like all diamond diamond pink goes through extensive lab procedures, high heat, and pressure to develop into a fully formed diamond. But the elements boron and nitrogen impart their attributive pink color. We all know about the methods of how pink diamonds are made. There are mainly two main methods of how lab-grown pink diamonds are made. We will discuss the High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) process in detail:
When the carbon (which can be extracted from anywhere) is forced into a cube is applied with high temperature and high pressure. The carbon atoms start crystallizing.
If we were to make pure white diamonds the process would have ended here but for diamond pink we have to add Boron and Nitrogen. These elements impart a blue color to the diamond structure.
Reasons You Should Choose pink Diamond Rings
1. Rarest Diamond In Existence
Red diamonds are extremely rare with only a few lab grows and next to impossible to exist naturally. After red diamonds, blue diamonds are rare and hard to find in the natural environment. This rarity of their existence makes them highly expensive and valuable and hence makes them prone to being bought by high-end authorities.
2. Meaning They Deliver
Blue represents royalty, loyalty, and trust. It is also considered a symbol of wealth. As the color speaks for itself, blue diamonds are more versatile and charming on eyes giving them an extra special character.
3. Special Specs of Lab-Grown pink Diamond
Lab Grown Blue Diamonds have more benefits than naturally occurring ones. Lab-grown diamonds are low cost, the variation in color ranges is diverse and you can have a variety of different shapes to choose from. Which otherwise is impossible to attain through classic mining.
And lab-grown diamonds provide you with a carat weight and clarity scale so you have diverse options to choose from.
4. pink Diamond Color Scale
The pink diamond color scale is incredible as well. It has 8 different hues to choose from:
Faint pink, Very Light pink, Light pink, Fancy Light pink, Fancy pink, Fancy Intense pink, Fancy Deep pink and Fancy Vivid pink.
If you want a diamond ring for engagement try medium hues or higher-graded scales since they are more appealing and will give you the distinctive bride aura you were dying for.
But if you are choosing to buy one for casual wear I would suggest you choose from very light blue to fancy blue.
In my honest opinion, faint blue is not an ideal color grade because it is similar to white diamonds with a tint of pink color in them.
5. Where Do They Come From?
Natural Blue Diamonds come mainly from Australia, India, and South Africa. These diamonds are only formed under the crust of these countries. The reason a mineral is found in one area and not in another is because elements/compounds are not evenly distributed on the Earth.
And one element’s saturation is relatively higher in one area over the other.
This is why Asia and Africa produce more blue diamonds than others.
What are the 4Cs in Diamond Selection?
1. Carat
The weight of a diamond is internationally weighed in carats. A carat’s size determines the weight of the diamond and how much the diamond is going to be worth. Generally the heavier the diamond the hefty the price rule is followed. But in some cases the more in demand the carat size the pricier the diamond rule is considered as well.
For instance, 1 and 1.5-carat size is extremely common in diamond rings. And despite their small size, their price is generally greater than 2c diamonds. This is because when the demand for the product increases the supply decreases concerning it. So to keep the equilibrium the suppliers increase the price to counteract the increase in the demand. In this way, they are in the market despite their scarcity.
Also, the carat size affects the shape of the diamond. Not every diamond size can be made to be molded into every shape possible. It is just not every shape complements every size. Especially heart shaped diamonds are very difficult to form.
So when choosing a diamond keep in mind the size and weight before proceeding further.
2. Clarity
Clarity is just the measure of how clear a diamond looks under the microscope. Clarity is deteriorated by tiny inclusions, scratches, and milky textures during formation. Mind you, not all lab-grown diamonds are crystal clear.
The clearer a diamond is, the pricer it is going to be. Firstly, because it is hard to achieve perfection in Labs. Secondly, the demand rises with the price.
But one thing you should keep in mind is that not everyone demands a perfectly grown diamond. So the price rise is not going to be too steep for the crystal clear diamonds.
3. Cut
The cuts of diamonds are tiny furnishing after the diamond is formed it gives texture and shape to the diamond.
The emerald diamond has vertical cuts and similarly, the cushion shape has a different one. So take a look into this factor before proceeding further.
4. Color
The color of the diamond plays a significant role as well. It not only adds to the beauty of the diamond but the price of the diamond is affected by it as well.
The rare colored diamonds are extremely expensive than the white diamonds. But for the beauty and embellishments they provide the price is just worth it.
And for blue diamonds, the hues decide the worth of the diamond. The intense the color the pricier the diamonds.
diamond pink is the best asset to invest in. They are pretty rare and versatile i.e. they go with everything. Their timeless beauty appeals to everyone. Just a quick tip before proceeding further: Keep in consideration the 4 Cs before buying to save yourself from the hustle of extensive research and confusion. This formula works every time.